The Claremore Lake Trail is a 2.1 mile segment of the overall Claremore Citywide Trail System and is one of the highest priority trail segments outlined in the 2001 City of Claremore Trails Master Plan, also prepared by LandPlan. The 10’ wide concrete trail follows the west shore of Claremore Lake. The entire length of this trail is within the 112 acre Claremore Lake Park, a major regional destination which includes several fishing piers, an indoor fishing facility, two pavilions, a playground and numerous picnic areas. The project also includes a 111 linear foot pre-manufactured bow truss bridge.
The latest phase of the Master Plan serves as a connection to the Claremore Lake Trail and nearby soccer complex. The trail meanders through a lushly vegetated corridor offering a different scenic experience found along the lake edge. This phase is comprised of both asphalt and concrete trail due to the fact that a portion of the trail is located within the 100 year flood plain.
Master Plan, Construction Documents, Bid Phase Services, Construction Phase Services
Claremore, Oklahoma
City of Claremore