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Master Planning

A Master Plan is a blueprint for the future. It is a comprehensive document, long-range in its view, that is intended to guide the development for the next 5 to 10 years. The Master Plan sets public policies regarding growth and development. The information and concepts presented in the Master Plan are intended to guide local decisions on the uses of land, as well as the provision of public facilities. It is based on public input, surveys, planning initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics, and social and economic conditions.


To remain viable, the Master Plan should be flexible and dynamic, not static. It must be able to respond to change, as well as guide it. It will need to be evaluated and amended periodically (must be reviewed at least every five years) to keep it fresh and current, but each change should be evaluated on its merits.


  • Define Project, Approach, Background, Studies
  • Site Analysis and Evaluation
  • Programming and Alternative Development Diagrams
  • Theming
  • Preliminary Master Plan
  • Site Development Plan
  • Development Guidelines
  • Presentation Graphics and Marketing Images
  • Public Input, Surveys, and Meetings